Chariots électriques – batterie : comment ajuster le niveau d’eau ?

L’eau joue un rôle essentiel dans le fonctionnement de votre batterie. En effet, l’eau permet de remettre à niveau l’électrolyte (solution d’acide sulfurique) dans lequel baignent les électrodes positives et négatives de la batterie qui permet de dégager l’énergie électrique. Nos experts vous expliquent étape par étape comment procéder à l’ajustement du niveau d’eau.




Avant d’ouvrir la batterie, il est nécessaire de vous protéger. L’électrolyte étant une solution d’acide sulfurique, il est important que vous portiez des lunettes de protection et des gants résistants pour vous protéger des éventuels risques d’éclaboussures.


Sur un chariot élévateur électrique, la batterie se trouve, en générale, sous le siège du conducteur. Pour la voir, il faut ainsi soulever le compartiment qui se trouve sous le siège à l’aide de la manette de déverrouillage. La batterie est identifiable par le marquage des bornes + et – sur chacune d’entre elles, et sont raccordés par deux câbles, un rouge et un noir.

Selon le voltage de la machine, la batterie peut être divisé en plusieurs éléments. Par exemple pour un chariot élévateur de 48V, la batterie est composée de 24 éléments de 2V chacune.


Une fois que vous avez repérer les batteries de votre machine, ouvrez tous les bouchons de remplissage afin d’évaluer le niveau d’eau de la batterie. Les bouchons de remplissage se trouve entre la borne + et – de chaque élément. L’ouverture des bouchons se fait de manière manuelle, d’où l’importance de se protéger en portant des gants résistant à l’acide sulfurique.



Dans chaque trou de remplissage est situé un damier/témoin. Ce damier sert d’indicateur quant au niveau d’eau à respecter lors du remplissage de la batterie.

  • Le niveau normal d’eau d’électrolyte se situe lorsque le niveau d’eau est à ras du damier.
  • Lorsque le niveau d’eau n’atteint pas le damier, ou bien que celui-ci est sec, cela signifie que le niveau d’eau est bas. Dans ce cas, un remplissage d’eau est nécessaire.
  • Lorsque le niveau d’eau recouvre le damier, cela signifie que le niveau d’eau est haut, ce qui peut provoquer un débordement et détériorer votre machine. 



L’électrolyte doit être pure et limpide pour pouvoir effectuer le transfert de charges. Pour assurer cette pureté, les niveaux d’eau se font avec de l’eau déminéralisée.


L’utilisation d’un entonnoir permet d’éviter les débordements et de salir la batterie. Elle permet également d’avoir un meilleur contrôle quant à la quantité d’eau versée dans chaque élément.


Comme nous l’avons expliqué plus haut, le damier sert de repère pour identifier le niveau normal de l’électrolyte. Utilisez le damier pour savoir quand vous devez vous arrêter lors du remplissage des éléments.


Avant de refermer chaque bouchon, assurez-vous que la surface autour des trous est propre.


Pour la recharge de vos batteries, nous préconisons de mettre en place des remplissages centralisés qui permettent à vos batteries de se remplir toute seule sans risque de débordement d’eau.

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Ranking the top 15 nations for solar energy capacity

Solar photovoltaics is set to be the number one technology deployed across the globe for energy production, increasing the world’s installed capacity by 75% through 2027, adding 2,400 GW over the period, said the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The IEA report said that renewable energy expansion is 90% of the planned additions worldwide, and solar accounts for over 60% of all forecast renewable capacity expansion, setting records for annual additions every year through 2027. Cumulative PV capacity nearly triples in the IEA forecast, growing by almost 1,500 GW, and exceeding natural gas by 2026 and coal by 2027.

Cost declines and the desire to boost national energy security and climate resilience are driving widespread adoption. In the U.S., the cost of utility-scale PV fixed tilt was $4.75 per Watt in 2010, and it declined to $0.94 per Watt by 2020.

The world will need 5.2TW of solar power generation capacity by 2030, and 14TW by mid century, to have any chance of limiting global average temperature rises this century to 1.5 degrees Celsius, said the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Below is the list of the 15 largest producers of solar energy today, ranked in terms of operational capacity as reported in the BP Statistical Review of World Energy:

15) Ukraine – 8.06 GW

14) Brazil – 13.05 GW

13) Spain – 13.65 GW

12) United Kingdom – 13.69 GW

11) Netherlands – 14.25 GW

10) France – 14.71 GW

9) Vietnam – 16.66 GW

8) South Korea – 18.16 GW

7) Australia – 19.07 GW

6) Italy – 22.69 GW

5) India – 49.34 GW

4) Germany – 58.6 GW

3) Japan – 74.19 GW

2) United States – 93.71 GW

1) China – 306.4 GW

The world will have to install 450GW of new solar capacity each year – most of it utility scale – for the rest of this decade, with China and India to lead Asia to a roughly half share of the world’s installed PV capacity in 2030, estimated IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook report.

Elsewhere, North America will need to install 90GW per year of solar to claim a 14% share of the world’s operating panels at the end of the decade, and Europe’s 19% slice of the pie will require 55GW of annual solar capacity additions.

Image: IEA

The world will have to start devoting $5.7 trillion per year to the energy transition for the rest of the decade to reach these targets, said Irena. That can be feasible if the $700 billion per year channeled into fossil fuels is immediately diverted to the transition, the publication stated. Public investment in the transition will have to immediately double, too, said IRENA, to attract the remaining money needed from the private sector, which would bear most of the financial burden.

Francesco La Camera, director-general of IRENA said, “Progress across all energy uses has been woefully inadequate.”

IRENA said policymakers also need to usher in sufficient international grid connections and flexibility; training; utility scale batteries; electricity demand-side management; digital tools; peer-to-peer power trading; community ownership of renewables; time-of-use energy tariffs; and net billing systems.

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Sustainable power is set to become a ubiquitous part of our future through their reliable low-carbon properties enabling consumers to pay less for electricity and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Currently, there are four major sources of renewable energy recognized by the U.S Energy Information Administration as being the main sustainable power producers: biomass, hydropower, geothermal, wind, and solar.


By using photovoltaic panels to convert sunlight into energy, solar power makes the most of the Sun’s daily cycle to harvest energy efficiently. A cheap and easy way of providing electricity, solar power is one of the largest forms of sustainable energy available, producing 570 TWh globally in 2018 and on track to expand its capacity up to 50% by 2024. Solar energy has been used to lead an energy transition away from fossil fuels, electrifying rural communities and driving sustainable development. 

Low operation costs, low carbon emissions, efficient power production and the rise of batteries has made solar energy a force for utilities companies – even the most reticent to embrace renewables. On top of the utilities sector, the aviation industry has also begun to innovate by using solar energy as a means to reduce their carbon footprint. Investment in solar has continued to increase, with nations like China taking the lead in implementing large-scale solar projects. 

This source of energy is becoming one of the most affordable and accessible, owing to years of investment and development within the solar industry. Along with continued innovation within the field of lithium-ion batteries, solar power has become a major source of employment and electrification globally.


Hydropower is one of the oldest forms of sustainable energy in use, dating back several thousand years, and it has grown to encompass several forms of water-based power generation. The most recognizable form of hydropower comes in the form of dams like the Hoover (USA) or Three Gorges (China), where they produce electricity by letting water flow through its generators downstream. Responsible for 16% of total global energy production, hydropower is currently the world’s largest source of sustainable energy.

Hydropower refers to the use of water’s movement as a medium for energy generation. Including dams, tidal and wave-power, hydroelectricity’s wide range of sources reflect its versatility and ability to be used almost everywhere. A dominant form of sustainable power, hydropower was responsible for 4,200 TWh of energy production in 2018. Featured in the electrical grid of a vast range of countries, hydropower is one of the most mainstream forms of sustainable energy found on the current energy market.

Hydroelectric dams are playing a leading role in Costa Rica’s ability to run almost exclusively on renewable energy while innovation in wave power in Orkney has furthered research in sustainable development. Capable of storing energy through pumped storage facilities, hydropower provides both alternative energy and storage options. Along with other forms of sustainable energy, hydro is expected to increase its capacity and help lead a transition away from fossil fuels.

Wind Power:

Another form of sustainable energy that has been used for millennia, windmills have evolved from grinding grain and pumping water to become wind turbines capable of harnessing large amounts of energy. The large blades that make up the turbine are driven by the wind and power the generator within it to produce energy. One of the fastest growing forms of renewable energy, wind farms can be installed at sea and on land, and have played a major part in the global transition away from fossil fuels.

A form of sustainable energy that has continued to develop and innovate, wind power has gained popularity with utility companies due to its cost-efficient power generation. Installed in areas exposed to high amounts of wind, turbines work by using their large blades to capture the wind’s power and use it to turn a generator, creating energy. In recent years, wind power capacity has greatly increased in Europe, the United States and China, with close to 600MW of installed capacity reported in 2018 – and calls to triple that capacity by 2030.

Able to be installed offshore as well as on land, wind turbines have the ability to generate high amounts of power for coastal communities. New developments in battery storage have reduced the intermittency issues facing wind power, making it one of many sustainable energy options now capable of powering energy grids with more consistency. 


Geothermal energy harnesses the heat generated naturally within the Earth and carried to the surface in the form of steam, which geothermal power plants generate electricity from via drilled wells. Since its first iteration in 1913, geothermal power plants and the technology behind them has been refined and optimized to become an integral part of the power grids of several nations including Iceland, El Salvador and New Zealand.

Used as a means of power and heating for thousands of years, geothermal energy is one of the oldest forms of power available to us. Sourced from the natural heat emanating from the planet’s core, geothermal energy is responsible for a large share of the energy production of countries such as Iceland, Kenya and New Zealand. After the signatories of the Paris Agreement pledged to reduce global carbon emissions, geothermal has been proposed as a reliable form of sustainable energy for a range of nations globally.

With 14,900MW of installed capacity worldwide, geothermal energy is expected to continue its growth, with certain projections believing it could shoulder up to 3.5% of global electricity demand by 2050. As it relies on the Earth’s core temperature for energy, geothermal does not have intermittency issues, but requires more infrastructure to ensure power generation, while questions have been raised about its environmental impacts


A mix of both traditional and modern energy techniques, bioenergy is derived from a vast array of biological materials such as food waste or wood pellets and comes in many shapes and forms. Through either combustion of biological materials to provide energy, or liquid biofuels to power vehicles, bioenergy has been a cornerstone of sustainable development.

Popular in countries with rapidly power demand and growing waste and agricultural sectors, bioenergy has the versatility to provide for different energy needs. As an energy provider, it has a global installed capacity of 130GW, while also helping power vehicles worldwide. Growth in the Pacific and across Africa has seen the use of bioenergy increase steadily as a means to transition away from fossil fuels.

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We often receive questions about operating an electric forklift in various weather conditions. Because these forklifts rely on complex electrical components, it is important to know when and where you can run your electric forklift.

Three frequently asked questions we receive about using electric forklifts in the rain are:

  1. Are electric forklifts able to operate in the rain?
  2. How waterproof are electric forklifts?
  3. What safety precautions should I take in the rain?

Are electric forklifts able to operate in the rain?

While some electric forklifts cannot operate outdoors (especially in the rain), many more are designed to withstand light to moderate rain. You should always check the IP code of your forklift to ensure that it is safe to operate outdoors. More about IP codes next.

How waterproof are electric forklifts?

The best way to tell if your forklift is able to operate in the rain is by looking at the forklift’s International Protection (IP) code, sometimes referred to as Ingress Protection Markings. The IP rating is a system designed to signify how well a machine withstands solid particulates and liquids. Every forklift has an IP code that follows the pattern ‘IPXX’ with the first X denoting its solid protection level and the second X denoting its liquid protection level. Any forklift that is rated IPX4 and higher is capable of operating outside while it is raining.

The solid protection level ranges from 0 to 6, with zero indicating the forklift has no protection against contact from any size object, and six signifying that the machine is completely dust proof. Similarly, the liquid protection level ranges from 0 to 8. Zero indicates the machine has no protection against water, and eight means the machine can be submerged over three meters of water without sustaining any damage.

What safety precautions should I take in the rain?

Once you have confirmed that your forklift is able to operate in the rain, it is important to have procedures set up to keep your forklift operators safe during inclement weather. Because it is more difficult to operate a forklift in the rain, you should follow these tips to keep your team safe.

Ensure Adequate Visibility

Visibility should be a top priority in all weather conditions.

  • Use your lights and horn to help avoid incidents in the rain if you can’t see.
  • Make sure all safety lights operate.
  • Replace necessary bulbs if working in low-visibility conditions.

Know the Variances of the Forklift’s Operation

It will be harder to maneuver when operating a forklift in the rain, so you should take the necessary precautions when driving in the rain.

  • Go slow to avoid accidents. The brakes may not respond immediately, and the forks will be slick.
  • If the ground is icy, install forklift chains to provide a solid grip.
  • Close all covers to prevent water from entering the forklift and creating a potential hazard.

Wear Appropriate Rain Gear

Another great way to protect your forklift operators (and keep them healthy and comfortable) is to make sure they are wearing the right gear.

  • Wear waterproof jackets and pants.
  • Wear non-slip boots with treads to help prevent falls.
  • Wear uniforms or vests with reflective tape to stand out in limited visibility.
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Tips for Making Your Forklift Battery Last Longer

Keeping your forklift batteries in top condition helps ensure safe and efficient operation of your forklifts. Meanwhile, maintaining your forklift batteries saves you money by helping you get the most out of your equipment. Follow these tips for making your forklift battery last longer.

1. Start Recharging at 20 to 30 Percent

Charge your battery once it reaches 20 to 30 percent of its full charge capacity. If you start the charging process before it’s depleted to this point, you’ll be charging the battery too often. A forklift battery’s lifespan is about 1,500 charges, and the more often you charge your battery, the closer you bring it to the end of its usefulness.

For optimal battery health, don’t let its power drop below 20 percent. If you charge the battery when it’s lower than 20 percent, you risk damaging its performance. For the best balance of longevity and efficient use, begin charging the battery when it’s at 20 to 30 percent charge, and charge it to 100 percent; this takes about eight to 10 hours, which is why many single-shift sites charge their batteries overnight.

2. Add Water After Charging

The next tip for making your forklift battery last longer is to add distilled or deionized water after charging. In the lead-acid battery cell arrangement, lead plates are immersed in an electrolyte that consists of sulfuric acid and distilled or deionized water. The water plays a crucial role by helping ions move between the plates.

While the battery recharges, the water breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen gas. The more this change occurs, the lower the water level falls. Forklift operators should add water after the battery has charged to maintain the balance within the battery to avoid reducing the battery’s usable lifespan.

3. Avoid Sulfation

The top cause of early battery failure is sulfation, which is when the battery has a buildup of lead sulfate crystals. Sulfation interferes with the battery’s normal functioning and can lead to longer required charging times, a buildup of excessive heat, a shortened battery life, and battery failure. To avoid sulfation, store charged batteries at a temperature below 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and don’t allow stored batteries to fall below a charge of 12.4 volts.

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